
Letter: Take your pick on most relevant culprit to blame

Casement Park was ill-thought-out project from the start

Aerial views of Casement Park in Andersonstown, West Belfast. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN
Casement Park in Andersonstown, west Belfast. PICTURE: MAL MCCANN

SO who is to blame for the Casement project failure? I suspect there is more than one at whom the finger could be pointed. Was it concerned residents in the early years who held up proceedings by their protests? A non-functioning assembly or even Covid are worthy suspects also. Don’t forget working-class unionists and core football fans to boot. Clearly they never wanted it due to its location and the perceived big winners – the GAA.

Governments will have blame heaped on them, but Dublin outshone the UK in this regard. A poisoned chalice for the new government due to cost and other desperate needs.

GAA President Jarlath Burns (right), cutting the first sold on the new €40m hotel project at Croke Park, with Martin Magee, managing director of McAleer and Rushe.
GAA President Jarlath Burns (right), cutting the first sold on the new €40m hotel project at Croke Park, with Martin Magee, managing director of McAleer and Rushe. Should the GAA have committed more money to Casement Park?

So, finally, how about the GAA? A paltry £15 million from an organisation which gathers in money like an industrial hoover from its Croke Park enterprises and isn’t shy about doling it out, especially when Dublin’s hand is out. Take your pick on the most relevant culprit, but I suspect a bit of everything will be in the final mix.

I’d better duck down following my own verdict. It was an ill-thought-out project in the first place and I strongly suspect that the most disappointed people will be those who must have been rubbing their hands at the prospect of a bumper pay day.

Kieran McMullan

Randalstown, Co Antrim

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