
Letter: Christian Churches should reject vile Satanic attacks - Fr Sean McManus

Letter to the Editor: Coleraine FC Social Club chants about the Virgin Mary were chilling

Footage has emerged of sectarian music being played at Coleraine FC Social Club
Footage emerged of sectarian music being played at Coleraine FC Social Club

My visit home in the great parish of Kinawley was deeply disturbed by reading the article “Loyalists’ sectarian chants at Irish League soccer club” relating to the Coleraine FC Social Club.

This story made horrible, chilling reading – indeed, blasphemous and sacrilegious reading. In fact, it reports the closest thing imaginable to a Satanic attack on the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to God’s revelation in Holy Scripture of His plan of salvation – the salvation that all true Christians are supposed to believe in. (I know Jews, Muslims and others have a different perspective, and I respect that).

The article states that people chanted ‘F... the Virgin Mary’. God Almighty forgive them. This is beyond hate speech (meant, of course, to offend Catholics); it is beyond the issue of political correctness or sectarianism; and beyond the Irish Football Association’s community relations policy statement – all of which are important in their own right.

This demands that every Christian Church in Ireland – especially the [Protestant] Church of Ireland – repudiates and condemns this Satanic attack on the very fundamentals of Christianity: God uniquely chose Holy Mary of Nazareth to be the mother of His Son, because in God’s plan Jesus had to also become human to save us; and the only way for one to become human is to be born of a human mother – “The Word was made flesh.”

Jesus took his flesh from Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit... Deny that, and you deny the Incarnation and the whole of God’s plan of salvation. (This also makes clear how false the big lie is that Catholics worship Mary as if she were Divine – if Mary were divine, Jesus would not also be human).

The Protestant Churches of Ireland, north and south, must speak out against this Satanic attack on The Word made Flesh and His human mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom the Gospel demands all generations should call Blessed.

I know for sure the founder of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, would have spoken out because he insisted that the Magnificat of the Blessed Virgin be sung every day in his Protestant churches.

I call on all true Biblical Protestants to speak out and defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ and reject this vile Satanic attack.

Fr Sean McManus

President, Irish National Caucus

Washington, DC

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