Northern Ireland

Mountain runner attacked by buzzard in the Mournes

Steven Morgan left bleeding from his head after being attacked by the bird of prey during nesting season

Steven Morgan's injuries after being attacked by a buzzard in the Mournes
Steven Morgan's injuries after being attacked by a buzzard in the Mournes

A Co Down man has told of the terrifying moment he was attacked by buzzards in the Mourne Mountains.

Experienced mountain runner Steven Morgan from Hillsborough was running in the Donard Forest area on Thursday when he felt a large bird swooping towards him.

He continued on running thinking it was an accident, before the buzzard aimed for him once again. Seconds later the buzzard came in his direction again, swooping in and clawing him across the top of the head.

Parts of the Mournes are home to the protective birds of prey, with nesting season seeing them becoming aggressive if they fear their chicks are in danger.

“I was six miles in to the eight mile loop when I felt this swoop over the top of my head,” Mr Morgan told The Irish News.

“I carried on anyway but it came back again shortly after and almost seemed to try and grab me by the head. I got struck three times and the last one really painful.

“I was in agony and there was blood streaming down both sides of my head. I had to stop and then go down for shelter at the Donard car park and managed to speak to a few other runners who showed my how bad it was. I was in complete agony.”

Steven is an experienced mountain runner
Steven is an experienced mountain runner

The birds of prey are currently in their nesting season, and while he had heard anecdotally of buzzards attacking walkers to protect their chicks, this was the first time he had ever experienced it.

“I do a lot of mountain running in the area but I’ve never seen anything like this at all,” he added.

“I was aware that their chicks are being born at this time of year but wasn’t aware how serious it was. I’m lucky because I was out there on my own and if I was more seriously injured I could have been in big trouble.”

An image of a buzzard captured in the Mourne mountains
An image of a buzzard captured in the Mourne mountains (Steven Morgan)

A spokesperson for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in Northern Ireland said it was advisable to avoid areas such as Donard Forest during nesting season, which takes place between March and August

“Although no consolation to those who have been attacked, it’s most likely that the bird is defending its nest or young. As it’s still nesting season, it would be advised to give the area a wide berth until the birds have left the nest,” the spokesperson said.