Northern Ireland

Family of boy targeted in sectarian attack given assurances he can move into new home

LVF-linked gang has carried out sectarian and race-hate attacks in recent weeks

Jessy Clark
Jessy Clark, with his great grand mothers Margaret Hart and Pauline O'Loan

The family of a nine-year-old boy whose specially built home was targeted by loyalists in a sectarian attack say they have been given assurances he can now move into the property.

Windows were smashed and paint bombs thrown at two properties at Reford Grove in Antrim at around 3am on Sunday.

One of the houses was specially built for Jessy Clark, who suffers from spina bifida and has a range of other complex medical needs.

The youngster, who uses a wheelchair, was due to move into the specially adapted house with his young sisters, aged seven and two, and their mother in the coming days.

Jessy’s great grandmothers, Margaret Hart and Pauline O’Loan, who had called for any threat to be lifted, say they have now been contacted and given assurances that he and his family can move into the house.

A gang linked to the LVF has been responsible for a spate of sectarian and racists attacks in the Ballycraigy area over recent weeks.

Threatening posters and graffiti have also appeared in the town warning that properties are for “locals”.