Northern Ireland

Court told pensioner brandished imitation gun while climbing ladder to Northern Ireland flag

The incident took place in Whitehead

The footage was shared on social media
The footage was shared on social media

A Co Antrim pensioner has appeared in court accused of brandishing an imitation gun in public.

Standing in the dock of Ballymena Magistrates Court, 66-year-old Stephen Graham confirmed his identify and also that he understood the single charge.

Graham, from the Islandmagee Road in Whitehead, was charged that on June 7 he had an imitation firearm in a public place, namely the Islandmagee Road.

None of the facts giving rise to the charge were opened in court.

It is understood the charge arises after video footage circulated online showing a man climbing up a ladder towards an Northern Ireland flag flying from a lamppost.

The video, which has been widely viewed and shared online, shows the man being challenged before he appears to brandish a black imitation handgun, holding the weapon aloft before putting it away and continuing to climb the ladder.

The footage was shared on social media
The footage was shared on social media

In court on Thursday defence counsel Grant Powles confirmed that prosecution papers had been served on the defence so he was seeking a one week adjournment.

Deputy District Judge Philip Mateer put the case back to July 11.