Northern Ireland

Condemnation after loyalist band filmed playing offensive anti-Catholic tunes at parade promoted by DUP MP Carla Lockhart

PSNI fails to brand playing of sectarian music a hate crime

Hillhaven Flute Band
Hillhaven Flute Band

Loyalist bands have been filmed playing hate-filled anti-Catholic anthems at a parade promoted by DUP MP Carla Lockhart.

Footage has emerged of the band playing the air to the loyalist favourite ‘No Pope of Rome’ - an offensive song that mocks the Catholic faith.

Clips circulated on social media show members of Hillhaven Flute Band, which is based in Co Armagh, playing the sectarian tune during a parade in Banbridge last Friday.

Up to 70 bands took plart in the parade organised by Downshire Guiding Star Flute Band, with the expected number of participants listed at 5,000.

Ahead of the parade the Upper Bann MP promoted it on her Facebook page by reposting a message that appears to have been taken from the Downshire Guiding Star Parade and Competition Facebook page.

The DUP was contacted but did not respond.

Footage shows dozens of people watching Hillhaven Flute Band as it makes its way along Bridge Street, the main thoroughfare through Banbridge, with some appearing to sing along as ‘No Pope of Rome’ is played.

The openly sectarian anthem includes the words “No, no Pope of Rome, no chapels to sadden my eyes, no nuns and no priests, no Rosary beads, every day is the Twelfth of July.”

It also includes the lines “oh give me a home where there’s no Pope of Rome, where there’s nothing but Protestants stay, where seldom is heard a discouraging word and flute bands play The Sash every day”.

Another clip shows Markethill Protestant Boys playing The Billy Boys.

Again, the footage was captured at Bridge Street as excited onlookers joined in the song’s chorus which makes reference to being “up to our knees in Fenian blood”.

DUP MP Carla Lockhart promoted a loyalist parade in Banbridge last week
DUP MP Carla Lockhart promoted a loyalist parade in Banbridge last week

Alliance MLA Eóin Tennyson said “any sectarian songs, chants or anything else must be utterly condemned”.

“This sort of behaviour is completely unacceptable in Northern Ireland and achieves nothing except increasing tensions locally,” he said.

“I urge the bands involved to reflect on their actions.

“All local representatives must be unequivocal in their condemnation of this type of behaviour and stand

The melody of sectarian tunes included ‘No Pope of Rome’ and a song glorifying the UVF.

SDLP Policing Board member Mark H Durkan said: “Public displays of sectarianism must be condemned and police have a duty to investigate the footage from this event.

“There will be people from a wide range of backgrounds living in this area and nobody should be subjected to this on their doorsteps.

“Everyone has the right to celebrate their culture, but it cannot be at the expense of causing fear or intimidation to anyone else.”

When contacted the PSNI initially said: “Police have not received any reports at this time but are aware of a video online and are conducting a number of enquiries”.

When pressed on whether police are treating the incident as a hate-crime a spokesperson referred to the previous statement.

Last month the PSNI said they were treating a similar incident as a “sectarian-motivated hate incident” after anti-Catholic and loyalist songs were sung during an event at Coleraine FC social club.