
AI’s role in attracting and retaining top talent

Retaining the best talent is as vital as attracting it, and AI can play a critical role in this area

As with most technological innovations, AI can bring efficiencies to the recruitment process
AI can bring efficiencies to the recruitment process

In today’s labour market, competition for skilled professionals continues to intensify. Recruitment is often compared to a “courtship”, and in order to improve the candidate experience and impress prospective “suitors”, organisations are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI).

So, what are the ways in which AI can transform recruiting? AI is playing a transformative role by improving the efficiency, accuracy, and personalisation of recruitment processes - thereby enhancing the candidate experience. Traditional hiring processes are time-consuming and labour-intensive. AI-powered platforms can increase efficiency by rapidly identifying suitable candidates through machine learning algorithms that match CVs and job descriptions with candidate profiles.

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have the ability to enhance candidate engagement by interacting with candidates in real-time, answering queries and providing application updates. This personalised communication keeps potential hires engaged through the process so that they don’t get frustrated with your selection process.

AI applicant tracking systems (ATS) can evaluate candidates objectively, using criteria based on the job requirements and qualifications, thereby helping to eliminate the potential for biases. By training AI algorithms on diverse data sets, organisations can ensure the tools evaluate candidates fairly, but it is important that there continues to be human checks on diversity.

Retaining the best talent is just as important as attracting it, and AI can play a critical role in this area. One key factor in employee retention is job satisfaction. Predictive analytics in AI can identify employees’ likeliness to leave by analysing job satisfaction data to identify and address issues proactively, thereby enhancing job satisfaction.

AI-driven personalised career development may improve employee retention by crafting individual career paths based on unique skills and aspirations. This customisation helps to align personal growth with organisational goals, thereby boosting engagement.

Performance management and effective feedback enhance employee development and are key retention tools. AI-driven real-time feedback can transform employee reviews into continuous conversations and provide immediate recognition by analysing performance data.

AI can also enhance employee surveys and exit interviews by analysing data to detect patterns. These tools enable real-time feedback, allowing organisations to address issues promptly. AI can interpret open-ended responses by employing natural language processing which aids in developing targeted retention strategies.

AI can also help to improve work-life balance by monitoring workloads and suggesting adjustments to prevent burnout. AI tools can analyse work patterns and propose optimal schedules thereby enhancing job satisfaction and demonstrating commitment to employee well-being.

While AI offers significant advantages, it also raises ethical concerns. Organisations must ensure that AI systems are transparent and free from biases that could negatively impact diversity. Unintended bias can have consequences which negatively impact the organisation’s reputation.

The Dynamic View
Neil Hughes (DARREN KIDD)

To remain compliant, organisations must ensure diverse and representative training data for AI systems. Additionally, systems should comply with five pillars of responsible AI: explainability, bias and fairness, reproducibility, sustainability, and transparency.

AI is playing a transformative role in attracting and retaining top talent. By leveraging AI effectively and ethically, organisations can build a robust and resilient recruitment and retention strategy that meets the demands of the modern business environment.

  • Neil Hughes is people and change consulting director at Grant Thornton