
Bridget Jones updated for #MeToo generation

The character has returned in a book on feminism.
The character has returned in a book on feminism.

Bridget Jones’s diaries have returned with a makeover for the #MeToo generation.

The journals penned by Helen Fielding have resumed and feature Jones looking back on incidents documented in her early diaries.

Her relationships with partners and co-workers are reimagined by Fielding, whose latest work with the unique voice of Jones is carried in The Times’ Style magazine.

Appearing in the 1996 novel, Bridget Jones’s Diary, the character navigated romance and unwanted advances.

In a newly penned piece, she re-examines her acceptance of her lecherous colleagues, and muses on why she did not wish to call herself a feminist.

The attentions of Daniel Cleaver, played by Hugh Grant in the film adaptions, and boss Mr Fitzherbert, are seen through a different lens by Jones after #MeToo.

She writes that today the pair would lose their jobs.

The new work is featured in the upcoming book, Feminists Don’t Wear Pink (and Other Lies), curated by Scarlett Curtis.  It contains the work of 52 women, writing on the subject of feminism, and has been previewed by The Times.