
Smiles all round as gentle alpacas pop in on elderly care home residents

Sid, Eric and Chester took a tour of Advinia Health Care’s Hill View care home in Clydebank on Thursday.
Sid, Eric and Chester took a tour of Advinia Health Care’s Hill View care home in Clydebank on Thursday.

Residents at a care home in Glasgow had their spirits lifted by some unusual visitors – alpacas.

Sid, Eric and Chester took a tour of Advinia Health Care’s Hill View care home in Clydebank on Thursday.

The three fluffy alpacas, from Larch Green Alpacas, visited residents in their rooms and in the care home’s garden.

The animal visits are said to help alleviate stress and depression, as well as combat loneliness.

Alpacas care home visit
Alpacas Sid, Eric and Chester from Larch Green Alpacas meet Isabella Scot, 85 (left) and Maureen Wysoski, 66 (right) during a visit to the Hill View Care Home (Jane Barlow/PA)

Agnes, 82, who has been at the home for 14 months, said: “ This really made my day, they’re so lovely and friendly.

“It’s a shame they can’t move into the garden here permanently.” 

Alpacas, which originate from South America, have become increasingly popular as therapy animals due to their gentle nature and soft fur.

Kirsty Goldie, who manages Hill View, said: “Because of the Covid pandemic, it’s been such a tough year for our residents.

“Now that all our residents and staff are vaccinated and we can open up a bit to the outside world, we’ve been doing loads of activities to try to make up for it.

“Elderly people, particularly those living with dementia, benefit greatly from the therapeutic nature of these animals.

“It has also been a lot of fun for the staff, too.”

Alpacas care home visit
The three fluffy alpacas met Mary Leslie, 92, during a visit to Hill View (Jane Barlow/PA)

Advinia Health Care, which has care homes across the UK, has also provided ‘virtual holidays’ for its residents during lockdown for families who were unable to visit their loved ones.