
Weekend Q & A: Michael Cameron on cooking seafood to relax and the power of a good podcast

Michael Cameron (56) is a playwright well-known for his play Ruby about the life of Ruby Murray. His new work Carson and The Lady premieres on September 2 at Newtownabbey's Theatre At The Mill...

Playwright Michael Cameron
Playwright Michael Cameron

How do you unwind at the weekend?

Now that I have immersed myself in writing, weekends have disappeared. I'd have to say I don't really unwind. I go into my shed, actually a little summer house I built with vintage materials, and write.

Researching Carson and The Lady based on the friendship between Edward Carson and Lady Jean Massereene, who was the glamour or 'it girl' of her generation and flirtatious, I started with the facts.

In 1914, Carson visited the Massereenes having just founded the Ulster Volunteer Force, and Lord Massereene was one of the commanders. But we've taken liberties from there with the relationship and had some fun with it.

I'm quite passionate about cooking and it is something I do to relax. Seafood dishes are my signature and I do a lovely sea bass with a spinach and mushroom mixture and a crème fraiche sauce. I might drink a glass of white – Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigo is also a good sanctuary – while cooking.

What do you recall most about weekends growing up?

No matter what the weather, even when wet like today, my parents would take us for a picnic to Strangford Lough. Dad had a little Mini and we'd all pile in. It was basic sandwiches, ham on bread, and flasks. Them my father, Alan, would get the fishing rods out. Mackerel was absolutely abundant there, which we'd take home and get cooked fresh. It may be nostalgia, but we always seemed to catch a lot.

Friday night or Saturday night?

Friday night, I think. I have a great love of music and BBC Four often has marvellous programmes on obscure figures from the past. My parents' vinyl collection had everybody from Val Doonican to the Stones and The Beatles. I was explaining this to my son Jack (20), that we would all gather round and listen in silence to the first side of the record, then the second.

Do you have a must-listen weekend radio show or podcast?

I'm a huge radio fan, particularly radio drama. Glenn Patterson's 10-part podcast about the Northern Bank robbery is exceptional. It's recent history but comes across like the best drama. Plus, I like the Radio 4 Extra mix.

Is there a must-watch TV/box set?

TV isn't something we do a lot of. But I do like Morse, so much that I put off watching Endeavour. Yet when I did, I found Roger Allam to be brilliant.

Have you a favourite eatery or is it a takeaway?

We do takeaways for special occasions but our favourite restaurant is a lovely place called The Boat House on Lough Neagh. We know the owner and it's a great spot for the food and the sunset. They do a nice monkfish.

Is Sunday still special?

I don't set out to make it any kind of special. I was brought up traditional Presbyterian and my mother was in the Girls' Brigade, my father was never interested in church. I went through a phase when I was 18 of being involved in the Pentecostal church but then I came out of that. For me now, Sunday is a day I like to potter about and not go driving into the countryside.

On Sunday evening, how do you feel about Monday morning?

I do get that 'haven't done my homework' feeling as I very unexpectedly passed the 11-Plus, went to Bangor Grammar School, and Sunday nights were full of fear. I now look back at that time with affection, but at the time, as one of very few boys to go there from my estate, it was full of dread.

Now that I write, I've addressed that anxiety and realise I had to make a conscious decision not to worry when I was handing my writing to other people. Some criticise well, some don't. But I am lucky in having people round me I really trust, including the director of this new play, Colm G Doran.

Michael with Carson and The Lady director Colm G Doran and writer/historian Lyndsy Spence
Michael with Carson and The Lady director Colm G Doran and writer/historian Lyndsy Spence

:: Carson and The Lady, September 2, Theatre at The Mill / September 3/4, Castle Antrim Gardens. Tickets via