Northern Ireland

Deadline for applications for primary and pre-school places in Northern Ireland is next week

Around 40,000 applications for primary one and pre-school places for September 2025 are expected

The Education Authority says the deadline for applications is January 24 at noon (Getty Images)

Applications for primary and pre-school places in Northern Ireland for the next academic year close next week, the Education Authority (EA) has said.

It is expected that more than 40,000 applications in total will be received for primary one and pre-school places for September 2025.

The deadline for applications is January 24 at noon.

The EA said applications can be made through the EA Connect online system with parents and guardians encouraged to list at least four pre-schools or primary schools in order of preference.

An EA spokesperson said: “Before starting your child’s application, it is important to read carefully the published admissions criteria for each pre-school setting or school you wish to nominate as a preference.

“Parents and guardians should provide all the relevant details and preference reasons about how their child meets the criteria – and whether any supporting documentation, in addition to a birth certificate, is required.

“Admissions criteria can be found by using the EA website’s ‘Find a School’ function or by selecting the admissions tab.

“A wealth of resources to help you with the process, is also available on the website.

“For anyone who needs to access information in a different language, click on the ‘ReachDeck’ icon or select ‘Translate’ on the menu options to find out more.”

The spokesperson added: “If your child is undergoing statutory assessment but does not have a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs, you will still need to apply for a funded pre-school or P1 place through EA Connect.

“For children who do have a SEN statement, there is a separate placements process where your child’s placement is discussed with you as part of the review of your child’s statement.”

For further information, the EA’s Admissions Helpdesk is available on 028 9047 0177 or email or

Or EA’s SEN Service can be contacted directly on 028 9598 5960.